
Designs for Small Bathrooms

Colleyville BathroomBathrooms don’t have to be big to make a big impact. There are many ways to maximize a small space, and small bathrooms actually give plenty of opportunity to pull off things that would look out of place in larger spaces. Here are some unique ways to maximize a smaller space, bathroom or not.

Dark Colors- Many people would be wary of doing an entire bathroom in ultra-dark colors, but in small spaces it is dramatic instead of dreary. Shades that could look scary in a huge room gives a small space plenty of impact.

Mirrors- Mirrors are the old standard for making rooms appear larger than they are. Extra large mirrors will heighten this effect, as will glass shower enclosures.

Declutter Walls and Countertops- Under sink storage and towel tracks simplify a small space and is more pleasing to the eye than a cluttered countertop.