Inspired tub-less, Dallas bathroom remodel
Forty-three percent of the homeowners responding to a houzz.com survey say the bathroom projects they’re commissioning or planning now will skip having a bathtub, Houzz reported today.

Other findings include:
- 75% will keep the current room’s footprint.
- 91% of the new toilets being installed are high-efficiency. Younger homeowners were more likely than older counterparts to choose tankless and wall-mounted toilets.
- 55% plan on double sinks; only 35% have them now.
- 48% of the projects call for a new window, 41% for a lighted vanity, 12% will have a skylight, and 7% will have LED lights in the showerhead.
- 54% of the planned shower enclosures call for frameless glass.
About us:
USI Design & Remodeling navigates bathroom design and remodeling from a homeowners point of view. Custom building new bathrooms out of old bathrooms with todays style.
Contact- chris@usiremodeling.com